First time in Acropolis? Discover tips for an unforgettable tour!
First time in Acropolis? Discover tips for an unforgettable tour!

For many people visiting Athens is a once in a lifetime affair and seeing one of the most magnificent places ever built in the world is an absolute must.
But to really enjoy visiting Athens Acropolis, we have gathered some tips that will help you to have everything in order and make your trip even better.
There are many ways you can get from the port of Piraeus to Athens’ Acropolis. Taking one of the organized tours is just one of the options like some Athens shore excursions.
If you visit Greece in the summer, we recommend to arrive at the Acropolis when the gates open (8 a.m.) or in the late afternoon. Get there early: if you decide to take a taxi or take a metro Athens train from Piraeus to Athens, you have one big advantage before those on the organized shore excursions. So, you can get there before everyone else and avoid the crowds that certainly don’t add to the magic of visiting such a place. Preferably, be there before 9 o’clock! If you are wondering about the temperatures, the midday Athenian summer sun can be really hot at all seasons. Have a bottle of water, a hat and a sunscreen especially if you cannot choose a time of the visit when the sun is a little lower. In summer, Athens’ weather and temperatures can be through the roof. Make sure you protect yourself, especially if you have a sensitive skin type. Avoid the crowd. Fewer tourists make your tour more convenient. This way your photos won’t be spoiled by other tourists and the low-lying solar rays will give your photographs vivid hues. Find the best viewpoint of Athens; Don’t forget to check out the panoramic views of Athens while touring the Acropolis. The Acropolis offers stunning views of Athens. One of the best viewpoints is near the Nike Temple. Wear flat, rubber sole, closed shoes Marbles and the pavements are very slippery and you don’t want to break your leg this far from home! You have to be really careful. The last point is for women: don’t wear a skirt but convenient trousers. Visit Acropolis Museum but not the same day. If you go the Acropolis in the morning, we would suggest that it is better to visit the museum on a different day so as have more time and the right mood to explore it. If you are a real lover of Greek culture, do not make exaggerations by visiting the museum the same day. If you have a couple of days visit it the next morning. At the end of your tour, don’t miss a chance to visit the terrace-bar-restaurant and gaze at the spectacular view. I had a very good meal there (baked eggplant with tomatoes, a delicious puree of beans from Santorini with lemon and caper leaves). It is probably more expensive than a “souvlaki” from a street vendor, but it is just as convenient and by far more delicious.
Athens Acropolis opening hours and entrance fees 01/04-31/10: 08:00 – 19:30 daily 01/11 – 31/03: 08:30 – 15:00 daily Admission: 12 euros Reduced admission: 6 euros Free admission: 6 March (in memory of Melina Mercouri) 5 June (International Enviroment Day) 18 April (International Monuments Day) 18 May (International Museums Day) The last weekend of September annually (European Heritage Days) Sundays in the period between 1 November and 31 March National Holidays The first Sunday of every month, except for July, August and September (when the first Sunday is holiday, then the second is the free admission day.) 27 September, International Tourism Day Closed: 1 January 25 March Good Friday: until 12:00 closed Holy Saturday: 08.30-15.00 1 May Easter Sunday Easter Monday: 08.30-15.00 Holy Spirit Day: 08.30-15.00 28 October: 08.30-15.00 25 December 26 December

First time in #Acropolis?Discover #tips for an unforgettable tour! #Athens #tours #Greece #Walking_tour #travel #ttot — KeyTours (@Key_Tours) May 10, 2013