Sáltate la cola: Partenón, Museo de la Acrópolis y Cabo Sounio con almuerzo incluido

Starting Time
Horas flexibles
10 horas
Starting point

  • Visita en grupo reducido de un máximo de 26 personas
  • Evite las largas colas y ahorre tiempo
  • Excursión de un día completo por los lugares más destacados de Atenas, incluida la visita al Cabo Sounion
  • Viaje en el tiempo durante la visita al impresionante Estadio Panathinaiko 
  • Visita guiada a la Acrópolis, incluida en la lista de la UNESCO, y al museo de la Nueva Acrópolis
  • Almuerzo típico griego en un restaurante tradicional de Plaka con opciones vegetarianas
  • Maravíllese con el Templo de Poseidón y descubra las conmovedoras leyendas que lo rodean

Skip the long lines and visit the new Acropolis Museum in your own time. One of the most important museums in Greece has a total area of 25,000 square meters and includes archaeological treasures dating to pre-historic times. The museum is divided into 4 main galleries and offers the opportunity to the visitor to view archaeological artifacts and learn about the Acropolis site.

After crossing the ground floor lobby towards the turn styles of the Museum, the first collection lies before you. The Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis houses finds from the sanctuaries that were founded on the slopes of the Acropolis, as well as objects that Athenians used in everyday life from all historic periods.

Continue to the Archaic Acropolis Gallery and view exhibits from all sides as three-dimensional exhibits. With the benefit of the changing natural light, you can discern and discover the delicate surface variations of sculptures and select the vantage point from which to observe the exhibits.

At the final Gallery, you will admire views of unique works that became prototypes for subsequent periods from antiquity to today. For the first time ever, it is possible to view the coffered ceiling of the Propylaia and the sculptures from the parapet of the temple of Athena Nike, and finally, the Caryatids – or Korai of the Erechtheion at close proximity on the balcony overlooking the Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis. The main monuments that constitute the Classical Acropolis are the Propylaia, the temple of Athena Nike and the Erechtheion.

The exhibition concludes at the north side of the first floor gallery where you will see numerous statues were placed on the Acropolis, which represented gods, heroes, mythological themes and portraits of famous men including the Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia.

  • Transporte en autobús de lujo con aire acondicionado
  • Guía profesional y licenciado
  • Servicio de recogida y devolución en el hotel
  • Almuerzo
  • Susurros
  • Todos los impuestos
  • Transporte en autobús de lujo con aire acondicionado
  • Guía profesional y licenciado
  • Servicio de recogida y devolución en el hotel
  • Almuerzo
  • Susurros
  • Todos los impuestos

Entradas: Las entradas para la Acrópolis, el Museo de la Acrópolis y el Templo de Poseidón se pagan al guía al comienzo de la visita, lo que permite saltarse la cola. Tenga en cuenta que es necesario el pasaporte o el documento de identidad.

Cancele hasta 48 horas antes de la fecha de la experiencia para obtener un reembolso completo.

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